Photo cred: N Azevedo, Unsplash

Considering starting your own employee resource group (ERG)?  Or perhaps you have ERGs that are lacking in employee participation and engagement?  If so, read on for 11 tips and 5 handy resources for creating and cultivating active, fun, relevant, and inspiring ERGs. 

  1. Obtain leadership buy-in
  2.  Identify an executive champion who will serve as an advocate, sounding board, and champion for the ERG by providing guidance and promoting the group’s activities and impact company-wide AND assign a support service role for each ERG that is created
  3.  Allocate resources
  4.  Ask employees for input
    • ERGs are typically grassroots, employee-led groups
    • Administer a survey to gauge interest in the types of ERGs employees want 
    • Take an inclusive approach by collecting feedback from a mix of departments, locations, and people
    • You can also leverage the survey to recruit potential ERG volunteers and leaders
  5.  Know it’s okay to start small
  6.  Establish purpose, structure, and goals – once ERG is formed invite them to revisit and refine
  7.  Recruit members

    Photo cred Allgo an App, Unsplash

  8.  Host the first meeting and plan the next steps including events
  9.  Measure impact
    • Track engagement metrics by looking at membership growth, event participation, and survey results to assess program effectiveness
    • Customize metrics tracking to suit your specific goals and objectives
  10.  Collaborate with other ERGs
  11.  Revisit and refine as needed

References & Resources

Culture Amp

Effective employee resource groups are key to inclusion at work. Here’s how to get them right 

How to run an ERG program

HRC – Establishing an ERG

Indeed – How to Build an Effective Employee Resource Group (ERG)

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